Did Betelgeuse just consume a companion star?

The Betelgeuse Mystery

Unexpected Rapid Rotation

The Stellar Cannibalism Theory

Evidence supporting this theory includes:

  1. Elevated nitrogen levels in Betelgeuse’s outer atmosphere, indicating recent internal mixing.
  2. Simulations showing that a merger event could explain the observed rotation rate.
  3. The star’s unusual size and mass compared to other red supergiants.

Implications for Stellar Evolution

Supernova Prospects

Observational Techniques

Future Research


The case of Betelgeuse reminds us that the universe is full of surprises. What was once thought to be a simple, albeit massive, star in our cosmic neighborhood has turned out to be a complex system with a potentially violent past. As we continue to study Betelgeuse and other red supergiants, we’re likely to uncover more secrets about the life and death of stars, furthering our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.

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